W e e k l y R a d i o S h o w

Listen to
Alternate Take with Liz Warner
Thursday nights 8-10 p.m. (Eastern Time Zone)
Aired again Saturday nights 10 p.m. – midnight
101.9 on the FM dial in Detroit
Stream live and on demand on WDET.org
Liz can be heard weekly with Alternate Take every Thursday and Saturday nights on WDET. Archived shows are available on WDET’s website for two weeks. Listen live on the terrestrial airwaves in Detroit at 101.9 FM, globally online at wdet.org, and on the WDET app.
Having started with freeform radio at WDET in Detroit, then on dublab, and now returning to WDET, Liz Warner (AKA Liz Copeland) often considers the airwaves a bit of a second home, even a state of mind. Music is the message, embracing and sometimes clashing moments of funky jazz excursions with punk rock roadmaps, underground techno-wizardry with far-out space rock and otherworldly, dreamy interludes with past and future pop dance anthems.
Liz has a long history of interviewing both established and emerging artists of many forms – including musical, performance and visual, authors, filmmakers and more – for not only radio but for print and in panels and public forums.
Liz was a resident DJ for
Radio shows

To coincide with the opening of the Mixing Colors Installation at Jerry Moss Plaza at The Music Center in Los Angeles & the announcement of ‘A Quiet Scene: LA’ film project in collaboration with Deutsche Grammophon, dublab welcomes Brian Eno and Roger Eno to its airwaves for a special interview hosted by Liz Warner about the Mixing Colours + A Quiet Scene projects. January 22, 2021
Liz’s interview with Evelyn McDonnell, the force behind
“Women Who Rock: Bessie to Beyoncé: Girl Groups to Riot Grrrl”
Alternate Take on dublab, May 11, 2019

Liz’s interview and performance with Laraaji and Arji OceAnanda
Alternate Take on dublab, February 9, 2019
Liz’s Border Blaster special
Alternate Take on dublab, October 13, 2018

Audio features
Top image: The skatepark at Venice Beach | Liz Warner, 2019